Text-and-audio methods


This talk supports the R255 Advanced Topics in Machine Learning course module on Multimodal Learning and provides a bird’s eye view of the rapidly evolving text-audio landscape, with a focus on music as a primary example of audio data. I will first present types of tasks that exist in this space, then discuss data curation challenges and follow with an overview of some existing retrieval and generation methods, including a quick primer on diffusion models. Finally, I will describe current evaluation metrics and their limitations.

Jan 30, 2024 1:00 PM — 2:00 PM
Lecture Theatre 2, Computer Laboratory, William Gates Building
Cambridge, United Kingdom
Dr Cătălina Cangea
Senior Research Scientist

Senior Research Scientist at Google DeepMind, with a PhD in ML from the University of Cambridge, and inhaler of music :) Focus on generative music models, finding signals in data and human evaluation. Motivated by contributing ML-based knowledge and improvements to real-world systems!